First Cast

Blessed Be! At least I really hope so.

I decided to start podcasting about Pagan things. Its something that is near and dear to my heart so why not? Podcast about things you actually know about. I know! What a concept?!?

It's available in 2 formats: .mp3 and .ogg. I'd personally LOVE to not post mp3s. Wondering why? Because mp3 is not a free file format. It is not open source and in fat, fees are supposed to be paid to use the format to produce files. Its basically a file tax. And in years to come, you may have to pay fees to use these files. Hence, I like oggs.

Episode 001: The Full Moon of High Spring

Ogg 31.7M
Mp3 34.9M

Let me know of any problems with playback. And if you want to contact me, there's an e-mail in the podcast.




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