Glad I don't live There!

I had a wonderful post all set to go but I didn't save it. Suddenly, all my Firefox windows went skittering to a screeching halt. So, I must go back to news aggregating to find other neat things to write about.

Since I'm so disheartened I will mention briefly those things I was going to talk about:

Professor at University of Pennsylvania arrested for possession of child pornography. A customs agent flagged him after noticing his frequent trips to Thailand.

Two buildings collapse in Egypt killing 8 so far. Reason: Dude, buildings really REALLY suck in Egypt. There wasn't even an earthquake.

South Africa is thinking about enriching uranium to start a nuclear energy program. Allegedly, they will try to stay within international "obligations". Al-Jazeera ran that one.

Kofi Annan told Hezbollah to give up the two soliders so I srael will lift its blockade of Lebanon. He'd like to see them handed over to the Red Cross. Little do most people realize but the cease-fire merely means stop shooting (more like "Reload") and does not require Israel to cease its isolation of the beleagered nation.

And according to Pravda, Paris Hilton has a clone. It's in Ukraine.

Tropical Storm Ernesto leaves Cuba and heads north for Southeast Florida. This means Miami. It will likely return to hurricane status after sitting over the the bath water like Gulf of Mexico. God be with you all those in its path. We're pulling for you.

That was about it. I'll have more in the morning.


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