Things heat up in Myanmar

The military regime has now begun to crack down on the largely peaceful monks who've been demonstrating foe several days now in Yangon. Two hundred monks were arrested in nighttime raids in Ngwe Kyaryan. Other sources have the number at 600. The government has also turned violent in the past couple of days using tear gas and firing at protesters in an attempt to clear the streets. This has resulted in 9 dead and 11 injured including a Japanese journalist.

The international community has voiced its support for the activists. The United States has come out with a call for sanctions against the impoverished nation. Many within the United Nations agree including France with French President Sarkozy stating "France will not accept the gagging of Burma's opposition". An emergency session was held Wednesday with the UN calling for the government to show restraint. Earlier today, China also condemned the government of Myanmar. However, China and Russia have said that sanctions would not help. Furthermore, China has also said that it is an internal matter.

Protests against Myanmar's embassies has also occured. In Bangkok and Seoul, protesters have thrown rocks at the buildings and chanted. It is no coincidence that the junta has now cracked down on the monks and other citizens have joined into the protest. With the UN calling restraint, it merely begs to be defied.

It is also notable that opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been silent. She can do nothing but be silent. She continues to be held in house arrest. During the march to Yangon, the monks were able to pass by her home that has been her prison for 12 years. The government won't let a repeat of her appearing at her gates. Security has been heightened around her home to discourage any demonstrators from contacting her. On this day in 1988, Aung San Suu Kyi was part of a rather violent protest that cost thousands of lives.

Back on this day in 1540, Pope Paul III founded the Society of Jesus. This highly organized religious order would be known as the Jesuits.

In 1821, Mexico gained its independence from Spain.

In 1886, Prophet John Taylor received a revelation that polygamy was no longer a viable practice within the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints. To this day, the church is still devided on this divisive issue.

Back 102 years ago in 1905, the Annalen der Physik journal published an article called "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?" by Albert Einstein. In this paper, Einstein postulated a famous equation E=mc2. After this, Physics which was moderately assumed to be thoroughly complete in its study, was turned on its ear with the discovery of quantum physics. The world would be forever changed.

In 1985, Long Island, New York, was hit by Hurricane Gloria.

In 1998, Google is founded.


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