Conservative hit job?!?!?!

Former president William Jefferson Clinton was inteviewed by Chris Wallace for Fox News' Sunday show. the 42nd President seemed to lose it and go on a "tear". He accused Wallace of being unfair. Not to quote him or anything but he told Wallace "you did Fox's bidding on this show. You did your nice little conservative hit job on me". Clinton was asked specifically Why he didn't put Bin laden and al-Qaeda "out of business". He immediately became aggressive in his reply. He claims that he was obsessed with finding and killing Bin Laden, that he planned strikes on Afghanistan but scrubbed them because of backlash. He also planned an invasion to get Bin Laden but was denied basing abilities in Uzbekistan.

The entire transcript should be read but it doesn't do it justice. Can't wait to find the whole thing on YouTube.

On a completely different train of thought, The 12 signs of fascism. Must be seen!



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